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Cheryl Leong's Facebook profile

Hello, CHERYL is my name. I really like dressing up in dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography. I'm into movie editing and a movie maker wannabe. Green is my extremely favourite colour! I love songs that keep spinning in my head. Girlfriends, family, boy-friends, tuition mates, friends are LOVE♥ .

16 FEB is the day i fall to Earth(:


Tuesday, June 02, 2009
caught terminator salvation last thurs.
quite a nice thrilling movie.
loveee it (L)
thosee machines are scary .
and weicong slept during e movieeeee .
and met up w smin, and jiayu last fri.
a short catch up w one another.
i shall blog later w pictures! :D

then i can paint my nails and do whtever i want about it (L)

k off to the dentist later to pluck my teeth. SHITZ! :/
means i had to eat porridge today. gawd.

Friday, May 15, 2009
hello everybody, pls head over to littleprettyroses


just feel like changing blog link so yeah.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

two papers down already thats goood :D
eng was okay and i was quite confident with th essay i wrote .
i hope it would turn out fine .
and for ss, im v confident w my 3 other essays except one .
hm i hope im able to get few marks for that :D
left sch w jang and moyeee, and went to lunch at ws before heading home .
went for tuition at 5 plus and emaths is killing me .
i hate emaths .
i love amaths instead.
emaths have to scratch my head tilt my brain here and there before i can solve it .
and ya the similarity and congruence is the topic i hated the most .
5 more mths to o's and thats pretty fast.
now i wanna score well for my midyear and roughly know where i stand.
ure bombing my head offff.
and o's is the deadliest weapon on earth i swear.

Monday, April 27, 2009
hi just to blog a little .

went for movies for consecutive three days .
i just cant resist the temptation to watch all these nice movies and a cathay cinema is just right beside my school.
so do i have a choice ?
obvious no haha.

i watched this on thurs w tangent! We both thought that it was gonna be boring but it turned out unexpectedly funny (due to some happenings during the movie ) and exciting . and we took lotsa stupid retarded pictures!

i watched this on friday and it's humorous and captivating due to zac efron's beautiful blue eyes . (L)

i watched this on sat night . awww, its all killing more than fighting and its gross having to watch Daniel Wu's hands being chopped off .
its a blooody movie .

wanted to watch revolutionary road , friday the 13th but due to the restriction of age. :/
i thnk "the international" and "252 signal of life", "taken" will be a not-bad movie tho.
but i guess i have to focus on studies now ):

and and theres many nice movies coming up for may.
like "Kabei-our mother" , "star trek", "angels and demons" , "the uninvited" , "night at the museum 2 " , "monsters vs aliens" , "terminator salvation" , "Up" , "land of the lost" , "drag me to hell" , "state of play" , "Henry Poole is here" , "Ghost of girlfriend's past" , "the talking of pelham 123" , " i love you, man " , "ice age 3 " , "x-men origins- wolverine" , "horsemen" , "Sell out " , "Ramen girl" .

oh my , there are like 20 nice movies coming up .
i guess i have to wait till midyear uh .
sadded ):

you will get a bash from me tmr :D

k i shall go study now .
pictures will be uploaded asap :D


Saturday, April 11, 2009
hi people i guesss this will be the last time i post ?
i will blog whenever i feeel like blogging or when i feeel like using the com.
attended audrey's bday party last sat .
pictures will be uploaded after dear audrey returns my memory card .

this weeek was tests, nafa blah blah.
i already forgotten wht did i do this past weeks.
but i remembered clearly that i went to tamp 1 on thurs.
bigg and squeezy due to the overload of people.
and i thnk its mostly jap shops .
jap restaurants , jap stores . etc.
but i find the basement interesting w many foods.
like bakerzin, carl's jnr subway, and blah blah .

out w shopping yesterday but bought nothing at alll.
wisma was reallly crowded due t the fact it was a public holiday.
didnt try on clothes as there were long queues for fitting rooms.
im sooooooo not satisfied ):
i shall gooo shopping later after i finish studying .
treat it as a motivation.
watching movie later i hope ?
talking about movies i had not watch them for a v long timeeeeee.
i shall have a movie marathon soon .

next weeek is all tests tests tests which are gonnna drive me crazy which means i need to study study study so now im gonna study and shall not waste any more time bye. :D

Friday, March 20, 2009

headed to sch again for chi lessons.
was damn sleeepy during chi kept yawning.
he wanted to let us off early but instead letting us off later than usual.
rushed to ws to meet moy . bought strawberry shortcake while jang bought her choco cake.
chionged to tuition afterwards.

tuition ended at 1 plus.
then went 216 to eat lontong. :D
my favourite (L)

walked home to bathe and change and hurriedly went out again to meet jang.
went to bugis to buy present but to no avail.
walked over to haji lane.
did a wee bit of shopping .
tried on many beautiful dresses.
i felt so tempted to buy them. hehheh. :p
bought a few stuffs so did jang.
we bought similar stuffs ahahahahahaha so next time we can wear the same outfit out !
3 cheers!
being much contented with wht we bought, we dined at yoshi and trained home :D

more on facebook! :D

kthxbye yesterday was superb ! luv yesterday C:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i loveee steamboat. <3

loook at how people help out to cook steamboat.
sharing of food among one another.
give and take.
having steamboat among close friends feels great . :D
tho theres only few of us but then i can feel the warmth among us.
despite the quarrels and disputes and the disagreements we had .

thanks guys yesterday for letting me feeel the warmth and love between friends.

watching teeevee together, boo-ing and cheering for those who should be out for campus superstar .
the atmosphere is great.

no pictures taken tho as we were all sweaty and bloated.

i guess i better go do some exercise now or else i'll be growing horizontally.


boys before flowers is making me more addictive to the show.
look at how ku jun pio fights for his love .
he's damn coool i swear.

credits to mydaily.