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Cheryl Leong's Facebook profile

Hello, CHERYL is my name. I really like dressing up in dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography. I'm into movie editing and a movie maker wannabe. Green is my extremely favourite colour! I love songs that keep spinning in my head. Girlfriends, family, boy-friends, tuition mates, friends are LOVE♥ .

16 FEB is the day i fall to Earth(:


Saturday, June 24, 2006
haa...Chalet daeX wit ex-6a pupilS Okie laa..nt tOO baD Or gd lOh..bUt chalet onlii two storeys..Upstairs room verI smaLL...Onlii twO single bed + table & chair...haa..veRy little chaiRs tO siT sia..nOt enUf!! wE seTtlEd dOwn Den after tt tOse ppl paY tO TongWei loh...tOse bOyz kePt delaY,dUn wiSh tO paY cOz thEy wanN tO pLay beT On caRds:"Taihkkii"..i duNo hOw tO plaY...dUmb hOr mii...(btw, onlii 4 girls-inCludiNg mii n 16 bOyz) sO pOOr tinGY hOr!! sO littlE girLz..deN tOse bOyz weNT Out,sayINg tt thEy r gOin tO ESCAPE..jUz niCe, TongWei gt 4 frEe tiCketS tO ESCAPE..sO wE giRlZ(TongWei,Shimin,Jiayu & mii)weNt lOH...heez..wE mEet tOse bOYz @ thE waLkwaY tere..wE shOw Off tO thEm Our fRee tiCketS..thEy wERe lyk:wa liao..
We laUghed evilly n waLked Off...We haD a grEat tiMe @ ESCAPE..We saT thRillinG riDeS!! wE weNT tO haUnteD hSe..nT scaRi @ all..nOOne sCareD uS waN lOh..wE stiL weNt 2 timEs...i waS e lEadEr deN...heez..sO braVe hOr mii..nO laa..smaLL frY..Our laSt riDe iS thE watErbOat thingyy..whRe euu sPray eaCh Other tt ONe..mii n mie bEst frenZ,TongWei saT tOgetheR..haa..sO LES hOr uS..=)..wE gt Oursel all tErriblY weT!! Oh ya! wE atE Candy FloSS too!! wOw..iT waS daMn biG lOh...(e dUstbiNs wEre fULl Of bEeS!!) hmmh...CleanErS wERe aLL sKiving!! wE weNt bak tO ChaLet wiTh Oursel Drenched thoroughlY!! wE feLt a liTtlE bIt gUilty cOz wE lEft e bOyz tO BBQ n We giRlz weNt tO habb fUn!! sO bad hOr US....Tt timE BBQ nO adUlt tere sO wE haD tO cOunt On OurSel..wE sO independent leh!!haaaha...=)..
tOse plaYfUl BOyz eSp. ERIC!! ate mOst Of e fOOd wHile we BBQ!! sO grEedy N hUngrY they were!!
afTer diNner, wE plaYed TRUTH OR DARE..Coz Of tRuth haD nTh tO tOk abT..sO wE plaYed DARE OR DARE loh...haa..i waS beinG SabO alOt Of tiMEs!! muZ pinCh ClemEnt's Cheek..OMG!! diD lOh...haa..mUz saE shiyong i love you..i said Loh..luCkilY shiyOng nt teRe..wEnt hOme le!!haaha..sO luCky!! wOOt...Den Once, Freddy niD tO caLL miE ex-cLassmatE Shuting, tEl hEr i lOve yOU!! haa..veRi fuNNi lOh..alOt oF ppl laUghed n reCordEd it,playEd it lOts Of timEs.OMG...Shuting mUz be damN anGry....Shuting sUch pOor tinG!! =(...bUt mOstly quite fUN...Qixiang alSo niD tO saE "Shimin i love you" tO Shimin..bUt @ tt timE Shimin @ upStairs..dunO iF shE heaRd Or nt..haa..quIte fUn la...bUt alOt Of ppl nVr tUrn uP..den e cOst Of eaC pEerSOn daMn eX...sOrrie..i tiNk i tOo lOng-winDeD le..wrIte tOO mUch..heezz..paiSeh..nX timE dEn wrIte abt "dae 2" Okie??haaaha