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Cheryl Leong's Facebook profile

Hello, CHERYL is my name. I really like dressing up in dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography. I'm into movie editing and a movie maker wannabe. Green is my extremely favourite colour! I love songs that keep spinning in my head. Girlfriends, family, boy-friends, tuition mates, friends are LOVE♥ .

16 FEB is the day i fall to Earth(:


Wednesday, November 22, 2006
quiz time! Taken frm ODELIA! i tot i can copy n paste but i cant! hmph.. mus type evrythin!
For u to know more abt me lor!


1. What Time is it now?
2.What is yr full name?
Leong Kar Yin Cheryl.
3.Single or taken?
im single as for no bfs, but im taken by my lovely frens<3
4. What does yr name means? nt sure.
5. Who picked out yr name?
my grandparents n parents la
6. Whats yr nick name, if u have one?
Cherry? Cherrie? Kar dao yin?
7. Do u have an innie or outie?
err. outie? though i duno wads tt.
8.What color are yr eyes?
brown black?
9.What size are yr shoes?
8? haha.. i have a big feet!
10. How tall(or short) are you?
160+cm but lower den 165.
11. Honestly, what do u lyk abt yrself?
erm. i duno. my eyes?
12. What do u always get complimented on?
hahahas. being tall(:
13. Wad is yr worst quality?
Scold vulgarities n tok bak to parents.
14. Wads e last four digit of yr phone number?
15. Do u tink u r cute?
nop. >.<
16. Hair color?
Naturally black.(:
17. Do u wear contacts?
nop. but i wish to wear lor.
18. Living arrangements?
uh? lol.


19. Fav. drink?
mm...honey green tea, strawberry milk tea!
20. Fav. alcoholic drink?
21. Fav. month?
22. Fav. food?
SUSHI. mostly jap n western food.
23. Fav. board game?
24. Favourite web site?
25. Fav. clothing brand?
billabong, op, surfers paradise, esprit, bossini. roxy.
26. Fav. day of e year?
16 feb!
27. Fav. color?
RED lor!! RED RED RED <3
28. Fav. animal?


29. Do u have more girl or more boyfrens?
girl larhs.
30. Whos yr best fren?
JOYCE, MOYRA, SIQI,....nt enuf for me to write here.
31. Are my parents together?
yessh. of cuz.
32. How often do u get together wif yr family?
evry sunday!
33. Do u tell yr frens or yr parents more?
frens luhhs.
34. Anything special abt yr parents?
humorous lo.

35. Are u a flirt?
36. Are u slutty?
37. Are u mean?
yesssh. mean gurl.
38. U lyk sum1?
yeah. frens too.
39.Can u keep secrets?
yesh. trust me!
40. u dance infront of e mirror?
yea. hhee.
41. u have watched a porno?
no larhs.. but last tym tio virus gt tis tingy keep pop up lo.
42. U sing in shower?
yea! haas.. evrytym indeed! thus, i take a long time to bathe.
43. U lyk Britney Spears?
yessh. her songs r nice. sometimes. <3
44. U lyk a cousin?
Nooo larhs.
45. U had been in e opp. sexes bathroom?
ya.. =X
46. U've seriously hurt sum1 close to u emotionally?
yea. i did.
47. U drink alcohol?
not rly.
48. U swear?
yesh. i swear..
49. U get yr way?
50. U willing to try new things?
ya. as long as it doesnt harm me can liao.
51. U've cheated on a test?
ya. small ones..=X
52. U' ve smoked?
No... im guai ders.
53. wad r u wearing?
shirt+ pants.
54. Wad color r yr pants?
55. What r u listening to?
Happy ending- Avril Lavigne.
56. How r u feeling?
Excited for tmr!
57. Wad r u doing?
this lor. duh.
58. Wad r u eating?
fried rice.
59. How many ppl online?
lazi to count. nt many i supposed.
60. Hows e weather?
61. Wads on yr mouse pad?
62. Wad r u reading?
this quiz.


63. Wad perfume do u use?
i dun use perfume larh!
64. Wads in yr wallet or purse?
money money money! ez link card n many other cards.
65.Thong or regular panties?
dun tel u.
66. Tall or short boys?
tall of cuz! im not short tt i nid short boys!
67. Blonde or brunette guys?
erm. i duno.
68. Gd or bad boy?
middle middle (:
69. Boxers showing?
why not?
70. Long hair or short hair on boys?
short. but nt too short lyk nerd hor.
71. Wad do u find anonnying in a guy?
when he acts lyk gay, he twits(ii iinjured miie arrm), acts cool, acts smart, n crack jokes tt r nt funny.
72. Wads e first thing u notice abt a guy?
u sae leh? face? size? lol. i duno. i very long nvr notice a guy liao.

63. Wad kind of cologue do u use?
64.Wads in yr pockets?
65.Boxers or briefs?
66.Blonde or brunette girls?
67.Tall or short girls?
68. Piercing on girls?
69.Long or short hair on girls?
70.Good or bad girl?
71.Wad do u find annonying in girls?
72.Wads e first thing u notice abt a girl?


73. Wads e last movie u saw in e cinema?
i dun rmb.
74. Wad did u have for dinner?
eh..i haven eat dinner yet.
75. Wad r u hoping for?
its in my wishlist. go see lor.
76. Have u ever fallen asleep in sch?
yessh.sleepy ma.
77. Wad movie do u rly wna to watch?
Step up
Flushed away
Happy feet
casino royale
78. Tell us abt those scars.
hmm. one on e leg whre i fell in e drain during p6 when end of psle. i was toking to my dad abt PSP den. i fell le jus went to sch immediately lo..
denn e second one is very swuay being scalded by jason e6 in dnt room.
79. Wad is yr locker combo?
80. Whre is yr fav. place to travel?
Gold coast, Australia.
81. u last dream abt?
during my p6 pri sch..we all went bak to our old classroom n we chatted n ate tugether. stupid dream la.
82. Wads was e last thing u ate?
fried rice lo
83. If u were a crayon wad color wld u be?
84. Who was the last person u tok to on e phone?
85. Do u lyk e person tt sent this to u?
haha no. i cant rip it off! mus type my own lor..but its okok.
86. Ever had crush on a teacher?
none of them r shuai lor..eeyer >.<
87. Are u too shy to ask sum1 out?
yesssh. can u ask for me?
88. Scary movie or happy ending?
happy ending lar... *sings* So much for my happy ending!
89. Summer or winter?
Winter!! its so damn hot.. faster cum hor winter!
90. Relationships or one nite stand?
relationships of coz!
91. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate r e best! chocs!!
92. Do u wna yr frens to wrt bak?
wrt wad?? lol. LOVE LETTERS??!!
93. Whos e most likely to respond?
how e hell i noe?
94. Whos e least likely to respond??
i duno larhs!!!!
95. Wad did u do last nite?
hws, blogging, surfing, play games, slp!
96. List out those ppl to do e quiz!
finnally do finish liao..take me one hr to do it
wahahahahs...sabo u all..xP