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Cheryl Leong's Facebook profile

Hello, CHERYL is my name. I really like dressing up in dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography. I'm into movie editing and a movie maker wannabe. Green is my extremely favourite colour! I love songs that keep spinning in my head. Girlfriends, family, boy-friends, tuition mates, friends are LOVE♥ .

16 FEB is the day i fall to Earth(:


Thursday, November 09, 2006 gonna write now!.watch e er mo zai shen bian..realise tt de devil is more shuai den ping fan ren lor..devil has gd looks...haaas..its all abt LOVE LOVE LOVE. denn unexpectedly, yang chen lin fell in love wif tt devil which became her bro. lol. though watch lotsa time liao, but stil lyk it. haaaas.

My Senior sms me tel me tt on 7 DEC gt tkd training. denn i was goin: wth.. y choo choo muz plan trng for sian..stil muz go bak to sch on tt damn dae 10am-12pm.. canot slp til!

Todae went to buy books denn saw so many sec 4s sitting in canteen? i tink is sec4 baah. aftr tt went to eat lunch n collect my hp frm NOKIA. as u noe my hp was sent to repair til todae..denn my cam okok le. denn bot nx door hagen daz to buy e latest flavour(Cookies n Choc)..$4.70 for one scoop damn ex. but its yummy! i tink tt lady cheated my money..giv mii one scoop so little not up to its cone top. eeyer! argh.

Den maybe nx thurs or fri goin out for 6a outing?? tink so..since its damn bored at so wil keep u all updated guys!

tues piano was okay..teacher sae im not well prepared for appegios, quite true lor.i juz practise once only. =P haaas..denn bot metroleum(oh well i duno how it's spelled). lol. den e nx dae which is ytd, i practised wif e metroleum, make my heart beats so fast sia.[Heart-attack]

okok, now im gonna tok abt ppl hu brightened up my lyfe!

Moyra~ she is my laogong n loves to give hugs n kisses to ppl she loves! takes gd care of

others n sing happily in her choir practise. she loves to b CHAO DA! Crazy n a loyal fren
hu stands up for ppl when she tinks its unfair to dem. rilly gd gurlfren! Shes in LOVE

SiQi~ My China mama. Treats her lyk an elder sis. Gives advices n a leader of evrything.
MANDARIN is her speciality. she cares for others n strive for e best! loves to take photos.
But she is gonna leave us end of tis yr. she transferring to other schs. All e best to u! I wil
miss u!(:

Joyce~ A crapping gurl hu craps here n tere. So friendly tt she fell down frm bike aftr waving
"hi" to me. Loves to sabo ppl sumtimes. She's a smart gurl hu study, but not a nerd.
Have a wonderful b****t! She loves to joke n laugh n love to yo! Yo her when u see her!
CHIOBU hu has lotsa suitors woa!(:

i missed e four of us together! we r lyk a happy family!

Audrey~ My dearest gurl partner ever! lyks to ask questions when she dun understand! a brave
gurl hu muhahahahas! laugh out loud! shes in Jakarta now spendin her lovely holidaes!

Candy~ My sis hu takes care of mii! haas..nvr fails to bring a smile on my face n sings lalala in
choir! shes lyk a DA JIE DA! i love CANDY,so sweet!

Kejin~ Shes oso a CHIOBU hu has style n she e 1st in class! A tiny small lil' sweet gurl! She has
has a small hand which shakes hands wif ppl n make dem feel warm!

Joycelyn~ Shes a quiet gurl hu always chge blogskin n tagg other ppl blog often. She cheers ppl
up n is a gurl hu evry1 loves to make fren wif!

Jasmine~ A St John's gurl hu pays full attention in class. She wil be a gd prefect controlling noisy
ppl to shut their mouth. The caring side of her makes her a gd fren of others!

Wei Xuan~ My partner in homec hu cooperate wif me in cooking! There she go in NPCC, march
march march! oso a pretty gurl n oso very helpful!

Wan Ping~ Shes quite blur blur hu loves to tok to my senior,Deon!Maybe she wil fall in love
wif him one day since they r tt close! Though she's blur,she clever n alert!

Xue Ling~ She's my IPW grp member. loves to giv ideas. small little gurl too.

Shiming~ have a nicer look when put her hair down. oso a St John' s gurl! loves to slack! loves
songs esp. Boy'z's.wishes to get gd grades!

Olivia~ my dear olive!a responsible chairman but sumtimes leave e keys for us to put bak.Small
cheerful gurl too!So light,can float into air!Hope she can find her popeye sumdae too!=X

Stacey~ Eng. Pro! highest eng in class! helpful gurl hu plays musical instruments! lalalow! quite
pretty too!

Jia yee~ Cute girl hu dress up lyk a princess in fairytale! Polite n friendly! She wun leave her
frenz behind!

Jessica~ Very friendly. loves to laugh at thingys a lot! Smile evrydae to evry1 in class! toking to
her was much relaxing! She's a pure n innocent gurl!

Clarrisa~ i felt warm when i was invited to her hse! takes good care of her frenz! loves to
MEOWE, as its her speciality! tink for others evrytime!

Selene~ The loudest gurl hu greets teachers! MUSHROOM is very cute! My Xiao A! loves to
joke. Shes oso a leader! She's in love too! She's adorable, evry1 lyks her!

Shimin~ oso known as Emma.Loves to take pics of herself. Media Club. i can sae tt she is e most
stylish gurl in class. Buy stylish stuffs tt suits her best!Loves to muackz others!Love her
instant noodles she cooked!

Samantha~ gd in basketball,captain ball, netball, aiya, she's gd in all balls' games la..loves
sports..even im not up to her match! She has a grt smile too!

MuZi~ China CHIOBU hu loves to dance dance dance wif her beautiful two legs..she's lyk a
dancing diva!

Leh Shuen~ A small boy lyk archery! he's even lighter den me! =X

Jun Wei~ a bit plump =X but loves to laugh n joke ard! Acts lyk a sissy sumtimes!

Gene~ Needs to slim down.. he can crush ppl to death. belive it or nt?

WeiCong~ Big Mouth. tallest guy in e class,able to see e wholewide world.

Sheng Hong~ lyks to sae me, but fun in playiing uno wif him!

Rayner~ always bully me, push my heads, shouting loud at ppl is his speciality! But loyal. =X

Reyro~ hu sae mi a bitch, nvr gives me mesos in maple!Playful. i tink he is a devil? lol

Hong Kai~ my childhood fren.very chi qing to e person he love/lyk.

Yun Xun~ known as yuntun! loves to suan ppl lor. alwaes push n quarrel wif me! =P

Vernon~ small little boy hu quarrels wif mii!

Edwin~ guitar siao boy, sumtimes act very serious!

Bryan~ has a curly hair n sitting beside me b4 sch ends!

Mark~ a prefect but sumtimes tuck out shirt n loves to hav fun!

Willy~ small boy hu has not rilly grow! nid to grow taller willy! jiayous!

Chin Hoe~ my chi. grp member. quite blur!

Deon~ quite flirt! but he sae he caring. duno if its true?
Kairu~ gd gurl leader n chairman!
Jet Han~ quiet boy n he's damn slim!
Leanette~ gd senior take care of me.
For others, *speechless*

Pri Sch frenz
Tongwei~ CHIOBU! best bestiie ever! have gd memories wif her in pri.!Gentle n graceful.
Shimin~ lately she's in conference wif mii. My conference buddy! Smart n thoughtful! quite sexy babe! Pilot wannabee!
Yemin~ Lately became humorous.Loves to play bball n soccer. Gd in soccer i can sae.
Eric~ Porcupine head hu lyks to suan me. he's not shuai either. small tiny eyes he has.
Freddy~ Big tummy,nids to slim down, loves to joke n suan ppl lor. Loves pretty babes!horny!
Clement~ Helpful, i can confide my probs in him(in pri.)
Maung Myo~ call me often, n tok to me, im sad tt u r gonna move hse):
Sherman~ Cool n calm. loves to joke. Loved by lotsa gurls.
QiXiang~ Horny n sae horny tingys. quite shuai but i dun lyk.
Jm~sumtimes gt ap. =X but quite helpful to girls he lyk.
Shiyong~ loves to ask questions in class. Lots of them. Talkative. makes others have a grt impression of him.
Shuting~ Cute gurl hu loves korean shows?? i tink so! Friendly!
Jiayu~ Helpful n takes good care of ppl! caring! Saves money a lot!
Shi En~ Haven contact her lately. Smart n alert. Hope she's doin fine.
Amelia~ stylish gurl! CHIOBU!


omg omg so bored! haas..ytd had a conference wif freddy,eric,tongwei n yemin! i waited for sm but she nvr call..haiix.ytd conference was quite boring aftr tw left..sian..i tink im gonna post up sumting lyk sm tt kind.hahaas..people hu brightened up my lyfe! so to keep u in suspense.