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Cheryl Leong's Facebook profile

Hello, CHERYL is my name. I really like dressing up in dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography. I'm into movie editing and a movie maker wannabe. Green is my extremely favourite colour! I love songs that keep spinning in my head. Girlfriends, family, boy-friends, tuition mates, friends are LOVE♥ .

16 FEB is the day i fall to Earth(:


Thursday, June 29, 2006
SCH REOPEN le!!haa..sO sianZ...ytd laSt peRiOd(MDM LEE periOd) Principal caMe tO Our cLass leh...tEl tOse bOyz tO paCk their baggie n go wit MR TENG..MDM Lee din cum, so Mr Tay tooK Over..She came, deN tOld uS gerLz tO wrIte On a fOOlsCap aBT wad hapPen ytd during geo. period..mii kia kia leh..scared sia..den we gerlz write lOh...tOse bOyz..sO scarEd thEy gt beinG canEd sia...bUT i dun tINk sO la..Onlii warniNG onlii..haa..HENG!! thX GOD! sO sCary tt timE..haiZ...thEy wEre alSo tOld tO wrIte tingy lOh..=) hOpe tt thEy r finE..aiYa..dUn tinK tt i lyK thEm hOr..cOz we all fRenz maa..alSo cLassmaTe...
toDae gT ART lEssON..i bEcaMe Art rep. cOz Of thE majOritiEs Of e cLaSs raiSed theiR hanDs..OMG!! Sabo mii!! i duN wann!! miE paRtnER alSo art rep. HONGKAI!! haiz..tiO agaIN..tiS tiME Big JaCKpOt sUmOre..Y i kEpt On tiO de!! tueSdae i tiO recite poem during LIT, hiStOry alSo beinG aSked Out tO anS. Qn..
todae afTer Sch, fEeL sO lOneliii...=(

Morning...We mEt @ e ChaLet fiRst Den afTer tt We HeadeD Out Of paSir rIs n Went tO Kembagan,gO LAN n play..nIce sia..aIr-cOnditiOneD)) i PLayeD cOuntErstrIKe..wa lao..kEep On diE cOz Of miE ex-cLassmaTe,JianMing caUsed de..he prO lOh..kEpt On shOot Us..wE aLL diEd...he prO la..evRytiME plaY CS de..[cLaps 4 hIM!!!] fOr OnCe,i kiLLed hIM!haha...dEn hE tOOk revenGe On mii..=/
eee..bUT OveRall quiTe fUN laa...i plaYed fiFa too..bUt i dunO e pReSs wad Key lOh..deN nvR plaY le..hmmh..wE plaYed fOR 3hrs=$5. Grr...mIe $5 fLew aWay le.=(
{nX time mUz gO tt LAN play hor..shiOK!}
We hUngrii maa, sO weNT TM n eaT @ fOOd cOurt..nOt sO riCh..i aTe Cavana XpreSs de hOney grIlled ChiCken..TongWei same too..YuMMi! sTarvinG lyK HELL!
afTer tt, TW sUggeSt tt wE bUy waTer bOmbS n play..wE diD...n we maD lOh..wE ran lyK siaO!!=) haa...wE weNt bUY 150 waTer bOmBs(baLLoonS)..$3..deN wE weNt tO finD e ResT..thEy aLL diSaPPeaRed lE!!haa...bUt saW Clement...hE gt Key,OtherS dUn habb..haaa..thEy lEft withOut hIM!!haa..XcePt ZhaO En & Kaiyuan..hee..wE weNt baK ChalEt..plaYed waTer bOmbs..maDe e whOle Chalet fLOOded..den we wanTed tO watCh TV..unFortuNateLy spOiL cOz OF e water wE tRew..sO sad..Freddy sae leT it cOOl dOwn fiRst..We wiPe e fLoor lOh..tOse bOyz nVr heLp oUT n weNt tO eaT dinNer..(CUP NOODLES) cHalet de...thEy bOt ma..Kaiyuan veri niCe OF hIm,hElp cLean Up..We plaYed bOMbs OutsiDe..e paRk tere..wa liao..thEy all sabO mii...i gT weT..thX tO Freddy hu sUggeSt ppl to thRow @ mii..sO pOOr tinGY// haiZ =( evRyOne enDeD uP eatinG CUP NOODLES!! haiz...@ nite played dare n dare..Freddy went arCade..nOt fUn ERIC kept on BULLY mii!!! FreakO sia hIm..fOlloWer!bUt in e end thE tV waS rePair by SINPONG!! @ nite, evrYbOdy Left le..cOz thEy dUn daRe tO staY..sUm lEft le..n cOz e nX dae iS maple b'dae!haa