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Cheryl Leong's Facebook profile

Hello, CHERYL is my name. I really like dressing up in dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography. I'm into movie editing and a movie maker wannabe. Green is my extremely favourite colour! I love songs that keep spinning in my head. Girlfriends, family, boy-friends, tuition mates, friends are LOVE♥ .

16 FEB is the day i fall to Earth(:


Thursday, June 29, 2006
SCH REOPEN le!!haa..sO sianZ...ytd laSt peRiOd(MDM LEE periOd) Principal caMe tO Our cLass leh...tEl tOse bOyz tO paCk their baggie n go wit MR TENG..MDM Lee din cum, so Mr Tay tooK Over..She came, deN tOld uS gerLz tO wrIte On a fOOlsCap aBT wad hapPen ytd during geo. period..mii kia kia leh..scared sia..den we gerlz write lOh...tOse bOyz..sO scarEd thEy gt beinG canEd sia...bUT i dun tINk sO la..Onlii warniNG onlii..haa..HENG!! thX GOD! sO sCary tt timE..haiZ...thEy wEre alSo tOld tO wrIte tingy lOh..=) hOpe tt thEy r finE..aiYa..dUn tinK tt i lyK thEm hOr..cOz we all fRenz maa..alSo cLassmaTe...
toDae gT ART lEssON..i bEcaMe Art rep. cOz Of thE majOritiEs Of e cLaSs raiSed theiR hanDs..OMG!! Sabo mii!! i duN wann!! miE paRtnER alSo art rep. HONGKAI!! haiz..tiO agaIN..tiS tiME Big JaCKpOt sUmOre..Y i kEpt On tiO de!! tueSdae i tiO recite poem during LIT, hiStOry alSo beinG aSked Out tO anS. Qn..
todae afTer Sch, fEeL sO lOneliii...=(